Alexandria Bay Post 904 and Jefferson County 4-H

Shooting Sports Program

Providing marksmanship education, coaching, and competition opportunities since 2009

About Us

The Alexandria Bay John B. Lyman Post American Legion Shooting Sports Program has been in existence since 2009. The youth program is part of the broader nation-wide American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Program. Our commitment and goal is to provide a professional, fun, and safe environment for young athletes and adults to realize their potential in marksmanship. Our range is a 10 meter indoor climate controlled air rifle/pistol range. We use the Orion digital scoring system. We are both affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) and the NRA. Our coach and range officer is NRA certified.

The Junior Shooting Sports and Jefferson County 4-H have decided to collaborate in order to bring more opportunities to youth in field of marksmanship. We are excited to see what will happen in the coming year!! Stay tuned for updates as details are ironed out and we kick start an AWSOME season!!

Why Teach Marksmanship?

Marksmanship education can become a lifelong learning endeavor that builds positive habits.  Teaching youth marksmanship skills teaches safe and responsible firearms handling and ownership. In fact, marksmanship is one of the safest sports. Everything learned in BB and Air Rifle will apply to all marksmanship disciplines. Also, remember all that matters is that you are willing to learn. Both girls and boys are gifted in this exciting sport.  Many life-skills are learned through the process of developing marksmanship skills such as self-control, self-discipline, emotional control, responsibility, goalsetting, leadership, fair play, and the rewards of hard work.

John B. Lyman American Legion Post 904 Shooting Sports 

9 Rock St. Alexandria Bay, NY 13607

Junior Shooting Sports